Creolization in Dutch Caribbean Music
The textbook ' Tour de Force: A Musical Journey of the Caribbean ' outlines a few examples of creolization in Dutch Caribbean music. A highlighted example in the book is the Antillean waltz from Curacao. This was evolved from the European, Viennese and Spanish waltzes which formed a unique combination of traditional waltz and Caribbean syncopation. The authors Gangelhoff and LeGrand described this creole metamorphosis in great detail. Domestic workers on the island demonstrated the music at dance parties for the Dutch, European and many other communities. They did this using ka'i orgel along with the wiri instrument which resulted the Antillean waltz. Here is a photo of renowned Curacaoan composer and pianist Wim Statius Muller who works are well known in Antillean dances. Photo taken from: Here is a video of the previous mentioned performing a work known as "Nostalgia". In this video you...