Creolization in French Caribbean Music
In this blog I will be examining French Caribbean
Music. The textbook 'Tour de Force: A Musical Journey of The Caribbean' examples
of said examining.
One example the book had a meringue musical style from Haiti. This musical
style came from a cohesion of contradanse music from European ballrooms with
African-derived music. Typical instruments in the meringue form are the tanbou,
congas, saxophone, trumpets, guitars, trombones and bass. According to the
text. the authors stated that instruments like the violin, piano and flute are
also apart of the meringue musical style.
Here is a photo of a Haitian group who sang in the
meringue style.
This video is an example of Haitian meringue and voodoo music.
Another example from the text is biguine music which originated from Martinique. Biguine is a combination of Bele music and French ballroom music with a touch of African rhythms. the authurs of the textbook had stated that syncopated rhythms and interplays between clarinets and trombones or guitar and bass.
Here is a photo of a Martinique biguine sniger and songwriter, Leona
Here is a video of this artist singing her
song 'Liva'
The final and last aspect I will discuss in
this French blog will be food. Guadeloupe's French dish is a blend of
Amerindian, African and Indian influences. this dish contains pork, herbs, various
spices ( curry powder, cumin and allspice) and potatoes and onions.
Here is a picture of the Guadeloupe dish
C., & LeGrand, C. (2019, December 31). Tour de Force: A Musical
Journey of The Caribbean. Sound Caribbean
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